Emma Watson (EmWatson)

British actress, Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women

Not long to go until the big day! ????@beourguest #BeautyAndTheBeast https://t.co/U3RFJlZAzQ

Not long to go until the big day! ????@beourguest #BeautyAndTheBeast https://t.co/U3RFJlZAzQ

Emma Watson (EmWatson)

Not long to go until the big day! ????@beourguest #BeautyAndTheBeast https://t.co/U3RFJlZAzQ

Latest images of Emma Watson

Emma Watson (EmWatson)

Congrats to @DemiStokes on joining the @Lionesses!!! #BeReady ⚽️???? https://t.co/KTZFknOXbA

Emma Watson (EmWatson)

RT @MillionWomen: Million Women Rise Statement 2019 #MWR2019 #WhyWeRise #NeverForgotten #InternationalWomansDay https://t.co/yWQ58RikeI

Emma Watson (EmWatson)

Friends capture you best ???? ???? @TomFelton https://t.co/sRXQIQEUPn

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