Leona Lewis (leonalewis)

Pre-Order new single 'Fire Under My Feet' on iTunes now: http://t.co/VbPb7POtib Out June 28th!

???????? https://t.co/fUBzfRvt3n

???????? https://t.co/fUBzfRvt3n

Leona Lewis (leonalewis)

???????? https://t.co/fUBzfRvt3n

Latest images of Leona Lewis

Leona Lewis (leonalewis)

Home for the summer ☀️ ???????? https://t.co/wssutafnbL

Leona Lewis (leonalewis)

Got that Friday feeling ???? https://t.co/1j3yF4bzoB

Leona Lewis (leonalewis)

Dancing the night away last night ???????? https://t.co/EeVtYLDfsR

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