Tyra Banks (tyrabanks)

I cut it all off. Neck 4 days now.

Not long til I'm tweeting w/ ya LIVE! TyTy's lookin' forward to ur sweet #ANTM #Cycle22 tweets tonite at 8pm http://t.co/IJ2VD87740

Not long til I'm tweeting w/ ya LIVE! TyTy's lookin' forward to ur sweet #ANTM #Cycle22 tweets tonite at 8pm http://t.co/IJ2VD87740

Tyra Banks (tyrabanks)

Not long til I'm tweeting w/ ya LIVE! TyTy's lookin' forward to ur sweet #ANTM #Cycle22 tweets tonite at 8pm http://t.co/IJ2VD87740

Latest images of Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks (tyrabanks)

I repeat: perfect is boring, human is beautiful. Don’t EVER shy away from embracing YOU, boo. https://t.co/nAg7dlOwyG

Tyra Banks (tyrabanks)

Tropic like it’s hot. ???? Another artistic creation in THAT legendary @SI_Swimsuit polka dot bikini. #BanX https://t.co/DhL90TnoOE

Tyra Banks (tyrabanks)

THAT polka dot bikini. That Bahamian water. That feeling of unleashing #BanX. @SI_Swimsuit https://t.co/6ZyRQsDhrF

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Tyra Banks (tyrabanks)

I cut it all off. Neck 4 days now.

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I make stuff, actually I make up stuff, stories mostly, collaborations of thoughts, dreams, and actions. Thats me.

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