Felicia Day (feliciaday)

Actress, New Media Geek, Author, Gamer, Misanthrope. I like to keep my Tweets real and not waste people's time.

RT @ShaunKing: So, @FedEx & @TrueCar what are you waiting on? Why are you still doing business with them? https://t.co/4XfEVvpqw5

RT @ShaunKing: So, @FedEx & @TrueCar what are you waiting on?

Why are you still doing business with them? https://t.co/4XfEVvpqw5

Felicia Day (feliciaday)

RT @ShaunKing: So, @FedEx & @TrueCar what are you waiting on? Why are you still doing business with them? https://t.co/4XfEVvpqw5

Latest images of Felicia Day

Felicia Day (feliciaday)

One kid wanted chocolate. One kid wanted vanilla. I am winning playdates today. https://t.co/ynfDCYQI19

Felicia Day (feliciaday)

Donated. #ActiBlizzWalkout ???? https://t.co/8EGUTWKfqW

Felicia Day (feliciaday)

Raleigh Supercon comin’ atcha! Panels every day, fun times!!! https://t.co/CaEv9SGeWE

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