Had yummiest lunch (great vegan menu) at Nopi. Another jewel in the @ottolenghi crown. Love T X https://t.co/ntMqrIx07O

Had yummiest lunch (great vegan menu) at Nopi. Another jewel in the @ottolenghi crown. Love T X https://t.co/ntMqrIx07O

Thandie Newton (thandienewton)

Had yummiest lunch (great vegan menu) at Nopi. Another jewel in the @ottolenghi crown. Love T X https://t.co/ntMqrIx07O

Latest images of Thandie Newton

Thandie Newton (thandienewton)

I lost the dress up competition? 39%???? ???????? Heh Heh The perils of the doctor’s waiting room : US Magazine https://t.co/7DEkAJ4Khy

Thandie Newton (thandienewton)

Yup @WestworldHBO #comicon2019 https://t.co/Xb9WDkENMf

Thandie Newton (thandienewton)

RT @nowthisnews: ‘We have a predator living in the White House.’ — @KamalaHarris putting it plainly https://t.co/MzGR7Awlrl

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