Shanola Hampton (shanolahampton)

Mom, wife, actor, Minnesota Vikings fan!Watch me on SHAMELESS Sunday nights on Showtime! Instagram @ShanolaHampton

RT @chem89: @shanolahampton just saw you in Things Never Said ...great movie & as always love you on Shameless

RT @chem89: @shanolahampton just saw you in Things Never Said ...great movie & as always love you on Shameless

Shanola Hampton (shanolahampton)

RT @chem89: @shanolahampton just saw you in Things Never Said ...great movie & as always love you on Shameless

Latest images of Shanola Hampton

Shanola Hampton (shanolahampton)

RT @LIVEpositivity: Stop cheating on your future with your past. It's over.

Shanola Hampton (shanolahampton)

RT @ZachFoster4: Go check out the full video from my trip to Vegas (feat. @shanolahampton ) link in bio

Shanola Hampton (shanolahampton)

RT @Vikings: ???????????? Welcome to the #Vikings, @Gbradbury_11!

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