Emma Bunton (EmmaBunton)

The official Emma Bunton Twitter Page

Rockin' the golden Pudsey this year for @bbccin !! https://t.co/ILCOBo792g

Rockin' the golden Pudsey this year for @bbccin !! https://t.co/ILCOBo792g

Emma Bunton (EmmaBunton)

Rockin' the golden Pudsey this year for @bbccin !! https://t.co/ILCOBo792g

Latest images of Emma Bunton

Emma Bunton (EmmaBunton)

RT @KitandKinUK: Together we can make a difference! ???????? #GivingBack https://t.co/FZTT0sU4bV

Emma Bunton (EmmaBunton)

RT @andres_syus: @EmmaBunton Hey @EmmaBunton We’ve tried @KitandKinUK. It’s the best, even on the beach ???? https://t.co/EvMOVk7sQO

Emma Bunton (EmmaBunton)

RT @KitandKinUK: Good morning little bear bum ???? #repost @sustainablegang https://t.co/qQiPOTPOvm

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