Let me paint YOU! I’m inviting you to have a portrait done yours truly! <3 ENTER: https://t.co/ILO7xtkAHp https://t.co/JCOIu3e8V1

Let me paint YOU! I’m inviting you to have a portrait done yours truly! <3 ENTER: https://t.co/ILO7xtkAHp https://t.co/JCOIu3e8V1

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

Let me paint YOU! I’m inviting you to have a portrait done yours truly! <3 ENTER: https://t.co/ILO7xtkAHp https://t.co/JCOIu3e8V1

Latest images of James Franco

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

Ethan Klein!! I love this shizzzzz https://t.co/7h4EcSe0dX https://t.co/D5OfNU3FYf

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

https://t.co/50lvUe0wKn https://t.co/2i05ID1Qs0

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

What does Lindsay know? See #BurnCountryMovie TOMORROW!!! Preorder on @iTunes > https://t.co/cubvpEMXRv https://t.co/AHgPhAQDTl

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