#TBT to #COP21 with @nibarguen. Here's what needs to happen next https://t.co/BOgblZOjVy @ThisIsFusion https://t.co/7zFtH6on1N

#TBT to #COP21 with @nibarguen. Here's what needs to happen next https://t.co/BOgblZOjVy @ThisIsFusion https://t.co/7zFtH6on1N

Adrian Grenier (adriangrenier)

#TBT to #COP21 with @nibarguen. Here's what needs to happen next https://t.co/BOgblZOjVy @ThisIsFusion https://t.co/7zFtH6on1N

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Adrian Grenier (adriangrenier)

RT @attn: This Museum of Plastic is showing us just how badly we are damaging our oceans. https://t.co/M3yTtRHILi

Adrian Grenier (adriangrenier)

RT @attn: 1 million single-use plastic bottles are sold every single minute. https://t.co/POZ4ys3QuK

Adrian Grenier (adriangrenier)

RT @richardbranson: Why it’s time to get serious about protecting the ocean https://t.co/pFcOWItRC3 https://t.co/8EwRbxUruj

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