Thanks for showing me so much love Paris! #HellorHighwater

Thanks for showing me so much love Paris! #HellorHighwater

David Duchovny (davidduchovny)

Thanks for showing me so much love Paris! #HellorHighwater

Latest images of David Duchovny

David Duchovny (davidduchovny)

Check out the season finale of @BetterthingsFX with my friend @pamelaadlon tonight!

David Duchovny (davidduchovny)

RT @Braddny: I’m thinking next stop on the @davidduchovny tour is the United States! Any cities we should visit? ????????

David Duchovny (davidduchovny)

This was the last first time. I can’t wait to be home here again. Thank you Poland! #warsaw ???????? ❤️ ????: @bporthos

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