RT @FenyxFX: Bernie train is now an impromptu dance party. #FeelTheBern https://t.co/5Tq2msQiLY

RT @FenyxFX: Bernie train is now an impromptu dance party. #FeelTheBern https://t.co/5Tq2msQiLY

Rosario Dawson (rosariodawson)

RT @FenyxFX: Bernie train is now an impromptu dance party. #FeelTheBern https://t.co/5Tq2msQiLY

Latest images of Rosario Dawson

Rosario Dawson (rosariodawson)

RT @evboogie: On this day in 1995, the movie KIDS was released in theaters. https://t.co/dI4BNQeSnt

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