Sophie Turner (SophieT)

Runner up in 800m sprints KHSW field day (2008). Proud holder of grade 1 piano certificate of merit (2005). I once did yoga.

RT @lechangjian: Baby baby baby Oh~ Like baby baby baby No~ @SophieT

RT @lechangjian: Baby baby baby Oh~
Like baby baby baby No~ @SophieT

Sophie Turner (SophieT)

RT @lechangjian: Baby baby baby Oh~ Like baby baby baby No~ @SophieT

Latest images of Sophie Turner

Sophie Turner (SophieT)

RT @odairannies: cersei and daenerys when they see each other in hell

Sophie Turner (SophieT)

RT @ThePixelFactor: What really happened... #GameOfThrones

Sophie Turner (SophieT)

RT @youlooksosharp: Sansa when Jon pulled up with Daenerys and the dragons. #GameofThrones #GameofThronesSeason8

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