Gabrielle Union (itsgabrielleu)

Loving fashion, beauty, fitness, dogs and sports :)

RT @ShaunKing: Black students bravely take a knee and get called "niggers" by their white teammates. Video by @cleveland19news https://t.…

RT @ShaunKing: Black students bravely take a knee and get called

Gabrielle Union (itsgabrielleu)

RT @ShaunKing: Black students bravely take a knee and get called "niggers" by their white teammates. Video by @cleveland19news https://t.…

Latest images of Gabrielle Union

Gabrielle Union (itsgabrielleu)

LA Wade's ❤

Gabrielle Union (itsgabrielleu)

Prepping @DwyaneWade for a potential #GoldenBuzzer moment. #agt

Gabrielle Union (itsgabrielleu)

.@therobertfinley is the real deal folks!!! Even without lyrics that mention bacon - I’m still ALL IN #agt

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