Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
Mom, businesswoman, model (order depends on the day). Unique skills include pie baking, corn shucking & surprisingly good at bowling.
Latest Photos of Cindy Crawford
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
Enjoying a day off from my book tour...and this London morning light! https://t.co/iXFAP8F7za http://t.co/XFZ32c6Dky
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
Fame used to be associated with a certain kind of success. Now fame is just fame. @GQMagazine http://t.co/KmsgYHeSri http://t.co/bHNIuDeKHn
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
Interrupting my UK book tour to bring you a #FF with @PORTERmagazine - on newsstands today. https://t.co/kjzOUrl9ZT http://t.co/BYwsZ7Z7cF
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
Thank you @Casamigos, @randegerber and #GeorgeClooney for helping launch my book in London! https://t.co/erh6cgHjCh http://t.co/eJsZXIvQjN
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @Casamigos: London, the full story...http://t.co/vALyFhQ7xd #houseoffriends #becomingcindy #casamigos http://t.co/7b0wzM6rNC
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @GQFashion: .@CindyCrawford: My brand is “MILF Next Door” http://t.co/cLP8sB3E7U http://t.co/9sgvZzUXOO
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @Waterstones: Delighted to welcome @CindyCrawford to @WaterstonesPicc! http://t.co/zFrpXBaMmr
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
Tune in for @EVINELive tonight at 9pm! #EVINELive #BecomingCindy @SoniaKashuk http://t.co/jJJbE15RRi http://t.co/L2jSOSXMuR
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @randegerber: Looking forward to tonight's launch of my girl @cindycrawford's new book #BecomingCindy in #London with @Casamigos https:/…
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @rizzoli_booksUK: Possibly the best way to spend your #Friday lunchtime! Come down to @WaterstonesPicc & meet @CindyCrawford #fashion ht…
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
Now THAT's a welcome to London. #BecomingCindy https://t.co/KgXGqCBluH http://t.co/V9anMibJ4c
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @HPLifestyle: "Sexy is a feeling, you don't wear it on the outside." - @CindyCrawford http://t.co/CxN6NKTk08 http://t.co/jCuseT1dwZ
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @piersmorgan: Least I could do. > RT @CindyCrawford Now THAT's a welcome to London. #BecomingCindy http://t.co/Lryk8btekq http://t.co/zq…
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
Just set the record for most answered rapid fire questions at the @facebook HQ. Apparently I beat @andersoncooper!) http://t.co/aS8zJrMg9G
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @accesshollywood: Say what? #GeorgeClooney tells us about the time he woke up in the same bed as @CindyCrawford http://t.co/yOrYvzTgSv h…
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @APEntertainment: Model and businesswoman @CindyCrawford participates in @AOLBUILD to promote her book, 'Becoming'. @Rizzoli_Books http:…
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
❤️ via @chromeheartsusa @claudiaschiffer https://t.co/zJE98IUNEY http://t.co/zBCuLBazwD
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @MAKERSwomen: "Beauty to me is about two things: confidence and passion." @CindyCrawford at @AOLBUILD http://t.co/IHGlo27i6J
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @AOLBUILD: "@GiGiHadid is a beautiful woman anyway you slice it" - @CindyCrawford on #BUILDseries #BecomingCindy http://t.co/lHgOKJdl3d
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @AOLBUILD: "We all feel insecure at times, and that's okay! It's OKAY to be vulnerable!" - @CindyCrawford on #BUILDseries http://t.co/nn…
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @MAKERSwomen: "Be professional. Show up on time. Be ready to work." -- @CindyCrawford on advice she gives her daughter. @AOLBUILD http:…
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @AOLBUILD: So excited to have supermodel extraordinaire @CindyCrawford LIVE on http://t.co/pnxvIBs7B6 at 12:00PM #BecomingCindy http://t…
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @TheThick_: Supermodel—& mom—@CindyCrawford & daughter @KaiaGerber talk careers, clothes, & closets http://t.co/1npmnrYndH http://t.co/a…
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
Ode to Dekalb chix...more on @thecoveteur today. https://t.co/dwyhgQZoUM http://t.co/vf4tg2mIJf
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @BritishVogue: .@CindyCrawford's modelling advice: http://t.co/AG9Z4av4sH http://t.co/lgEi04RPtx
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @NYCFireWire: The Bat Cave, Engine 26 posing for a picture with @CindyCrawford http://t.co/QKOd4ptfMu
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @thecoveteur: Ransacking @CindyCrawford's custom-built closet. #goals: http://t.co/iTujnMW5ZH http://t.co/DwKF3dVxzw
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
RT @WhoWhatWear: .@CindyCrawford shares the stories behind some of her most iconic photos: http://t.co/Kpn9U9iAsO via @ByrdieBeauty http://…
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
Here we go...live tweeting #FashionIcons right now! ????• @FernMallis http://t.co/3a3VpGv49F
Cindy Crawford (CindyCrawford)
Book swap! With the legendary @FernMallis backstage @92Y. @Rizzoli_Books girls... https://t.co/m5L22DfFN1 http://t.co/7jEBw55Ao4