James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

Actor. Writer. Director.

Latest Photos of James Franco

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James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

Ethan Klein!! I love this shizzzzz https://t.co/7h4EcSe0dX https://t.co/D5OfNU3FYf

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

https://t.co/50lvUe0wKn https://t.co/2i05ID1Qs0

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

What does Lindsay know? See #BurnCountryMovie TOMORROW!!! Preorder on @iTunes > https://t.co/cubvpEMXRv https://t.co/AHgPhAQDTl

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

Have yourself a very selfie Christmas .... https://t.co/AUluPpbD67. Available for 2 weeks only! https://t.co/UQ8ocQijeP

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

NE ME QUITTE PAS ???????????????????????????? Review on @indiewire https://t.co/IShsbTl9WW https://t.co/VVVVPBzVj0

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

Get in the know & grow your mo. Visit @Movember to learn more. #Movember cc/ @bryanCranston @whyhimmovie https://t.co/CvT6MQZhiS

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

Get ready!!! ????Watch #KingCobra NOW ???? ???? ???? ????!!!! on demand, iTunes, Amazon, and everywhere! https://t.co/oM89AgGM1j https://t.co/KiWk36iCX2

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

Get ready. Watch #KingCobra NOW on demand, iTunes, Amazon, and everywhere! https://t.co/oM89Agpb9L https://t.co/2UzlETcXPx

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

PSYCHO! @HorrorNights @UniStudios #UniversalHHN https://t.co/snch2npj8q

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

RT @PappyPariah: What kind of mother names her baby, Pappy? I'm Pappy Pariah. I wrote a book. https://t.co/0vUzjA7Wci

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

Interview in @DEADLINE about ????????IN DUBIOUS BATTLE???????? https://t.co/af9x9b9knY https://t.co/37VLW8Ylyo

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

Trailer for IN DUBIOUS BATTLE!!! ???????????????????????????????? https://t.co/7aS9gbppJl https://t.co/YwzZ99rzqj

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

Happy birthday Art of Elysium! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 19 years!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ An organization close to my heart https://t.co/WPiOm12bCa

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

A Hatful of Rain at Studio4 LA. Show runs the next 2 Saturdays &Sundays. Tix are available https://t.co/HI5YBcB8ij. https://t.co/x8FZpYvoSM

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

1-Day Campbell Scott workshop Making Independent Movies: Big Ideas, Little Money Register: https://t.co/nr1A1Do65X https://t.co/UfEaqsFtOf

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

Check THOSE PEOPLE!Love it ❤️Available on iTunes, Amazon, DVD!iTunes link: https://t.co/Fk4fi8HpiW @ThosePeopleFilm https://t.co/0EU8koxa7b

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

A remake with twist? Fine by me! #MotherMayISleepWithDanger is TONIGHT at 8/7c on @LifetimeTV! https://t.co/1Tt2rsjY4G

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

I'm remaking a cult classic with a few twists! Don’t miss #MotherMayISleepWithDanger Saturday at 8/7c on @LifetimeTV https://t.co/qfPw4PxTT9

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

Go see the incredible TAYLOR MAC at LIFT!" ???????????? It’s at Hackney Empire this Wed, June 1. https://t.co/1D7y8lgTbz https://t.co/HkBbbXatFp

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

My new film Memoria is out now on Digital, VOD & DVD check it out here https://t.co/9RAjKmalit #memoriathefilm https://t.co/N6FyDxLu1d

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

A little piece about my love for Yosemite????????????(@yosemitenps) Link: https://t.co/jtRqG9Hru6 https://t.co/i9rhyOeLhO

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

New column in @indiewire for #TheLobster COLIN FARRELL kills it!???? Link: https://t.co/UFciwHB1zd https://t.co/vHcu21iVkD

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

New column in @indiewire for @thelobsterfilm COLIN FARRELL kills it!???? Link: https://t.co/UFciwHB1zd https://t.co/nQdm4mujgc

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

Tweet only: Check out the trailer for my brother's new film, "NERVE" https://t.co/FfL75KjnJQ https://t.co/vgNJsGhMBh

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

Interview in @flashartmagazine Link: https://t.co/YarFhH3fpf https://t.co/Z9nPGTsleU

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

https://t.co/CPHg0iNTuZ https://t.co/285WwrRuXI

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

I interviewed 1 of the best directors, MICHELLE MCCLAREN from BREAKING BAD &GoT for @playboy https://t.co/jmTt8NgobJ https://t.co/Jt9OWR71Tk

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

THE FIXER SF SCREENING this isn't a photo from the fixer, but see it at THE CASTRO! Tix here https://t.co/pUpgNCZsgO https://t.co/cgsLpdAHFN

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

GARRONE is BACK!! ????"TALE OF TALES"???? My column on @indiewire LINK: https://t.co/iH4izihMPA https://t.co/4XsLyS9i2w

James Franco (JamesFrancoTV)

????Group Show in DALLAS???? 4/16/16 Check it out https://t.co/d2HdcBrJYb
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