Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

Actor Jim Carrey!

Latest Photos of Jim Carrey

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Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

Happy Easter or Passover or whatever reason you can find to feel warm and fuzzy. =(:•} https://t.co/Q5f0KT0yhq

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

MORE MORE MORE MORE! A mantra to the end of the world.  3^( https://t.co/dh5hXe69Ux

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

"I'm gonna make great deals. GREAT GREAT DEALS!" ();^O https://t.co/31vvhDWUj3

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

I'm no lifeguard but I know a drowning man when I see one. ;^P https://t.co/W5kGhD8uIO

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

The Trump Presidency is a botched Russian black op and these people are NOT helping. ;^P https://t.co/hkvd01iXbr

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

;^P https://t.co/OKmF3aAJ3U

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

A President under FBI investigation for treason should not get a Supreme Court appointment. ;^| https://t.co/b1f05HdL0W

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

Dear @BarackObama - Already, I miss your intelligence, integrity, elegance and humor. #RESPECT ;^} https://t.co/XBSM5v3Oqc

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

I'm returning to love. Something I will always control. ;^P https://t.co/Qk71P9dOcn

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

Don't worry folks as long as the Sun is revolving around the Earth, we'll be fine! ;^P https://t.co/TzJufTIJHm

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

Vote for goodness' sake! ;^) https://t.co/WJmiY3KFjZ

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

Remember this old song? 8^} https://t.co/a8DlWzD8nj

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

Remember this old song? 8^} https://t.co/uW3BmDB4e4

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

Good news. ;^D https://t.co/PFNznuQduG

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

Save our vaccines! Save our kids! Let the truth be known! https://t.co/zM9jupHmkF https://t.co/8zphbim3xV https://t.co/24Ejz5XZNH

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

THEY’RE HEEEEEEEEERE!!! #Paranormalsnacktivity =8^O https://t.co/QemZY99BB5

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

This morning for breakfast I had 'Love' disguised as quinoa with almond milk and coconunt sugar. #YUMMYYYYY!!! ?;^d https://t.co/ZGKr0tijkg

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

HEY DUMMIES, LEAVE ME OUT OF IT! ;^P #Americonundrum https://t.co/nI7Amohz5c

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

Love cannot be lost. ???? http://t.co/XxPYOhkdzc

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

Grand Central, NYC. ;^} (photo by Cathriona White) http://t.co/N8QbQQDFLu

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

Your true self is unfathomably immense, and I mean that as a compliment. ;^P (photo by Cathriona White) http://t.co/uRHUYWE7VL

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

This is who I really am and that's my body in the middle. ;^) http://t.co/35qO6b1fWD

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

Nice move @RealHughJackman Now watch me make a meal out of your biggest role. ;^> http://t.co/GUfHB2RR4L

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

Do flowers have feelings? ;^\ http://t.co/dyujcu3FPH

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

Dog hair on wood floor. Thoughts? ;^\ http://t.co/3krtxIfuCi

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

Cellphone picture of wall phone. Feel me? B^\ http://t.co/aXycanGOnt

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

Dog hair on wood floor. Thoughts? ;^\ http://t.co/gIK9pKr92X

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

I’m not religious Pope Francis @Pontifex but I like the cut of your jib! ;^] http://t.co/1iEMoyQHCu

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

"Safety and Civil Liberties: Is Corporate Clout Calling the Shots?" http://t.co/XuHg8j6sKd http://t.co/EcFdpqySqW

Jim Carrey (JimCarrey)

I believe info surfacing about CDC and vaccine makers could make big tobacco look good. http://t.co/0VsQUrDfc1
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